Most Emotionally Painful Experiences In Life, Carrot Software Engineer, Articles H

When they finally find a hiding spot, they witness some "werewolves" and humans talking. Edward interrupts and declares in frustration that he will not let Ciel have his sister's Easter egg. Ciel and the others disguised as "flowers" on a boat. He mentions that the next day is a Friday, meaning Ciel, who is protected by Sirius, can attend the event. However, Ciel denies this, because he had many opportunities to save this woman, but he placed catching the killer above saving her life. Sebastian cheerfully agrees, as he states that that is why humans are interesting. Ciel notes wickedly it has an even greater impact on Herman. Undertaker remarks that he knew Sebastian would protect the Earl no matter what. [204] They then borrow a man's carriage to get to Renbourn Workhouse. [411] He even offers to take Ciel outside, but Ciel replies he's extremely afraid. Slightly piqued, Ciel tells Sebastian to also seek out anyone else who may have been deceived by Maurice. Sebastian slowly opens his eyes; he states Ciel is so loudhe can hear him perfectly. Ciel is of above average intellegence and plans everything strategically, and it is unknown whether he . how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea. Grelle comes up with a feeble excuse for why she is there, despite unequivocally being covered in the prostitute's blood. They go up to the bedroom where she was sleeping, and Agni explains that he went to check up on her, but she was gone when he arrived. "Not directly, but Rook wound up having to make a huge line for guests to take pictures with him." Ciel said and Jamil gave a little nod as he got himself an iced chai tea and Kalim a drink. [241], Afterwards, Ciel consoles Snake who is feeling uncomfortable amidst the English gentry. They go outside, and Ciel tells him about his findings. The list comprises of those from the House of Lords, Scotland Yard, and the military who have been attending the Sphere Music Hall. As soon as he allows them to begin, Francis runs off, and Ciel tries to get Elizabeth to hop down off of his horse. Relatives Manga [172] After the investigators leave, Ciel reprimands Agni for his actions, as it could have gotten him into trouble as well. Surprised, Sebastian tells her that he can manage that. Ciel proclaims that, to avoid the chances of running into Scotland Yard and further damaging his reputation, as well as the chances of "Ciel" and Undertaking escaping, he will first root out and eliminate "Ciel"'s lifelines before confronting "Ciel" himself. When Edward asks how they would find a talented, charismatic individual, Ciel points to Edward, to his astonishment, Ciel assures that he is suitable for the role, considering his qualities. Ciel smiles gently as he watches her leave. The group suddenly sees a village in the forest, and everyone disembarks from the carriages. While Ciel and Edward discuss Elizabeth and the other Londoners' infatuation with Sphere Music Hall, they hear a commotion downstairs, which drives Ciel to exit the room and snap at Agni and Soma. Ciel manages to catch the falling egg in the commotion and hangs on tightly to the chandelier. Ciel and Sebastian go through great lengths to keep Ciel's mark hidden from Elizabeth. While gazing at the scene, Ciel remembers all of the critical events that transpired in his life. They figure out Patrick's time of death, and then gather together for dessert to discuss the chain of deaths. Jeremy presents Sebastian's owl, and after reading the note attached to it, Ciel explains that Sebastian had anticipated that he would be killed and sent a letter to Jeremy. Simultaneously, they both think of Soma Asman Kadar. He adds that he is good with games, however, and he used Karl, who sold illegal weapons, as his scapegoat. [214] At this time, Sebastian makes arrangements with the other servants of the house, giving them instructions to last several days. Although the other boys start ostracizing Ciel because of his behavior towards the P4, Sebastian and Ciel lay out their planthey will separately observe Maurice's movements to uncover his methods. He has to be in order to be the president of "Funtom" and solve crimes for the queen. After escaping his inner world, Ciel wakes up in the darkness; he orders Sebastian to instantly let go of him. Inside the envelope are tickets to the Noah's Ark Circus. Finnian then recalls his past. [273], Snake rushes in and apologizes about Rian's escape. Sebastian explains why he thinks that destroying the music hall and its "charismatic celebrities," the S4 and Blavat, will work in their disfavor. Baldroy personally eliminated two men outside Ciel's bedroom. Interest piqued, she sent investigators to look into the event, but they, when questioned by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, confessed that they have found nothing. Ciel reminds her to consider everyone, including him, as an adversary who is trying to use her, and he encourages her to use everyone else in order to obtain the future she desires. He slyly adds that Ciel looks so petite in his dress-completely resembling the Emerald Witch. [151][152][153], Afterwards, he tries to leave with Sebastian to further discuss Harold West, but Soma chases after him. [150] They all return to Ciel's London townhouse, and they discuss Agni's amazing powers. However, when she rises again, he states that she is a being he does not understand.[249]. He discovers that his fiance, Elizabeth Midford, is responsible for this. Undertaker bursts out laughing; Sebastian smiles and says it's rare for them to agree on something. Ciel declared that he wanted the power to take revenge on those who mistreated him. [186] Ciel then runs away and hides. [97], They arrive back at Ciel's townhouse late because Grelle traveled the wrong way. Afterwards, Ciel is shocked when he discovers that Edgar is the Aleister Chamber's nephew. [545], When Ciel asks Soma if he is hurt, Soma hits him across the face. Sieglinde vows to always keep SuLIN a secret. Ciel orders Sebastian to destroy the Panzer. She knows that English-speaking fans call him "Our Ciel" which she thinks is cute. Suddenly, Blue House's members pour in and congratulate Ciel. Species She declares that this time she will protect him. Wolfram is worried that Sieglinde will be exploited again, as she was by the German military. The prostitute Sebastian and Ciel have been guarding is the last name on the list, but they have failed to save her. [162] Soma claims they will lose the competition when he sees Sebastian rolling balls of dough. Sascha thinks that it may be because Ciel himself is close to death or because of his lineage. [554], When Sebastian questions Undertaker, "Ciel" tells him that he should not speak without permission from his master. After the Phantomhive servants greet Ciel, Ciel is made to change into a costume. Sebastian later scolds him. Ciel points out that it is possible the song was made to be accessible in order to gather people together in one place so that business can be carried out. Musical debut Ciel ends the explanation with a statement that he believes Sieglinde will be beneficial to England. Ciel chuckles, and he is kicked tumultuously by the outraged Azzurro as a result. Blavat offers to read his fortune, and assures him that Sebastian will not be harmed. Ciel replies that he wants a strong wife now. [84], Afterward, Sebastian arrives and attempts to hand over the ransom, but Azzurro has hidden men shoot him multiple times, inflicting seemingly fatal wounds. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. Well Ciel Phantomhive is quite skinny, and By judging it, about 90-110 pounds. Ciel speaksbecause of his carelessness, they all suffered and worried. Ciel replies it is awkward to hear that when he is wearing a dress. He adds that he still has a photograph of Ciel's family, to Soma's excitement, but an angered Ciel snatches it from Pitt before he can reveal it. Amidst the cheering students, Sebastian holds Ciel, softly saying he's really a bad child. Sebastian asks Ciel why he asked him to save Wolfram. Ciel suddenly starts screaming about the lights being too dim. Ciel countered that he does not care who is cooking the dishes, but he expects the food to taste "first-class." Sebastian comes to wake Ciel up, and he slowly awakens from his nightmare only to pull a gun on Sebastian's forehead, telling him not to touch him. After the P4's tell their complete story, Lawrence turns to a speechless Ciel, asserting that he knows Ciel can understand what they did was right. Afterward, Ciel goes to sit with Soma, offering to play poker to keep him company. Ciel lets it pass and states they should meet up with his family. She explains that their village, Wolfsschlucht, doesn't allow visitors. Later, Ciel warns Sebastian to keep silent about his lie and then asks him what he is planning to do with the Phantomhive servants. Presently, through Professor Michaelis' carefully timed cues, Team Blue succeeds. [268], Ciel and Elizabeth watch Sebastian and Grelle fight. [229], To the bewildered Arthur, Sebastian reveals that he is a demon and forces Arthur to never tell. However, only a few could not understand why it became so . Sebastian comments that he knew itJohann is also a Bizarre Doll. "Ciel" was eventually the only one left with him. The officers demand to see Lau and Ran-Mao's cargo, as part of their London-wide investigation for Ciel. Smiling proudly and confidently, Ciel promises that he will definitely return. However, at Scarlet Fox's dormitory, the boys pelt Ciel with small stones, and he is forced to flee. [103], The following morning, the newspaper states that there has been another murder by the Jack the Ripper last night. The lady then thanks the people in the room for waiting, and announces the arrival of the "Starlight Four," consisting of Herman, Lawrence, Edgar, and Gregory. "Ciel", however, remained suspicious. [20] The one on his right hand is a gold signet ring in the form of the Phantomhive crest, which he uses to stamp the wax seal ondocuments. Afterwards, they celebrate and admire the snow. Ciel feels she's saying something rude (she called him "Shorty" in German); Sebastian tells her that Ciel is 13 years old. Snake does not respond as he stares straight ahead. [565], Ciel acquiesces in his arrest. Ciel, then, recapitulates what he has learned from Sebastian: the Saturday meetings are open to anyone, but there are closed events that only those who have had their fortunes told can attend, and wonders aloud if that is where Elizabeth has gone off to. "[353] A few days ago when Ciel and his teammates are strategizing for the game, Ciel suggests using music to act as a signal to effectively hit the ballthey don't have to look at the ball, but the need to hear the music's precise cue. He begins to read the newspaper; the headline states another mysterious attack occurredthe coffeehouse in Piccadilly Circus is severely damaged. After examining it, Sebastian decided to forcibly take it out, much to Ciel's chagrin. Human The German army had advanced it to the point that they were ready to use it in actual combat, thanks to Sieglinde. Sebastian unexpectedly throws his knives towards a frightened Rian and states they should interrogate him. When Ciel refuses to eat, he offers him milk with honey. [490], When Ciel inquires about Sirius, Blavat explains that every person receives divine protection from a star; among the stars Sirius, Canopus, Vega, and Polaris, the first magnitude Sirius is the rarest; people under Sirius have "lofty ideals and the air of genius about them," and they tend to be extremely two-faced. However, once Sebastian leaves Ciel, the miasma greatly affects Ciel. He tells her to remove her dress because it is preventing her from moving easily through the water. Ciel retorts with the 15th rule. Sebastian is invited onstage where he gets bitten by a tiger. They puzzle over why Blavat has returned to London, despite the risk of being apprehended. [558] After Undertaker and Othello taunt each other, Othello tosses his Death Scythe, but to no effect since he is physically weak, to the astonishment of Ciel, Sebastian, and Grell and to the amusement of Undertaker. Ciel, initially surprised, comments that Fred is the kind of man who will "never make it up the ladder. Othello reveals that the men there were all suffering from renal failure; the machines were used to replaced the men's thickened blood with fresh blood, and, as a result, their lifespans were considerably extended. that I suffered." Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of, Children Act of 1889, romanization of the French translation by Kana. A few minutes later, the servants beg Ciel to come out of bedeverything is all right now. He says that she will be treated cordially by England if she cooperates, especially because the fact that she can create mustard gas will be exposed sooner or later. [233], At breakfast, Ciel questions Sebastian about Snake's progress. Ciel watches them fight, destroying parts of the room in the process. Maaya SakamotoMiyuki Sawashiro (First Drama CD) Sebastian gets up, spitting blood, shocking Ciel. Ciel then says he cannot let Sebastian stay like thiswhen they get back, Sebastian must have a thorough rest because he did well today. Arthur explains that Ran-Mao, who has Ciel's clothes and thus his scent, attracted the snake. Ciel dismisses this claim, saying it was Sebastian's job to protect him, regardless of whether Ciel protected himself. Unsure of how to respond, Ciel hastily agrees and turns, stating that he will inform the servants to conceal the eggs. Undertaker then parades "Ciel", whom he rescued from the fire at the cathedral and whom he refined through trial and error, as his finest creation. Furthermore, each year one exceptional player in the cricket tournament can get invited to the "Midnight Tea Party." [325], That night, Ciel goes to meet Sebastian aka Professor Michaelis in his room. Earl of the Phantomhive manor. [309], They venture into another room, with Ciel musing that Elizabeth would not have placed her egg in a challenging place. However, Sebastian uses his demonic powers and concludes that there are no souls left in the building. As he is reaching out his hand to Ciel to shake him awake, a Bizarre Doll bites Sebastian's leg, jolting both of them. Ciel then points out the things that make Lau suspicious, but soon assures him that he knows fully well that Lau could not have killed all of the three victims even if he had teamed up with Sebastian. When Ciel says that their priority is locating Elizabeth, Edward tells him that he can see Elizabeth if he goes to the music hall: Edward had gone to the meetings a few times and attempted to convince her to return home, but, each time, Elizabeth refused to and claimed that her "radiance" lies there, at the music hall. Grelle and Ronald also arrive; when they are about to attack, the Viscount threatens to pour wine over the device and destroy it. Ciel acknowledges that he knew his technique would not work against him. An excited Blavat informs him that he is favored by the divine protection of Sirius. As nobility he has been trained in pursuits suitable for his rank, even if he doesn't do so well alone. Coincidentally, in, Ciel's death date of August 26, 1889 is the historical date on which Queen Victoria signed the, Ciel uses rather foul language when he criticizes people he despises. Finished, Sebastian holds out his bloodstained gloved hands to Ciel to help him down. [453] Ciel suddenly fires a shot in the air, grabs Sieglinde, and heads for the elevator. Undertaker then announces that he will be taking his leave now; Ciel declares that he won't let him get away again. They are evenly matched, and Ciel is shocked that a human could be on par with a demon. They are suddenly attacked by Grey, who is warded off by Sebastian. [473] Piqued, Ciel replies he does not need to hear that from a demon who has not changed in centuries. Sebastian hands him a cup of tea, and Ciel dolefully stares at his reflection in it. [58][59], The first place they went after these events was to the Royal London Hospital where his aunt worked; he was reunited with Tanaka, and a carriage was arranged to bring him back to his manor. At first, she refuses, but after he reveals who he is, she enthusiastically agrees and climbs in his carriage. Angered, Karl tries to punch him, but he is single-handedly suppressed by Tanaka. Sebastian is unable to help Elizabeth, for he is fending off attacks from both Ronald and Grelle. The gruesome show includes children unwittingly killing themselves, much to Ciel's horror. Ciel remarks disgustedly that Undertaker makes him sick. When Lau says "Yes, my Lord" alongside Sebastian, both Ciel and Sebastian are surprised. [163], When the tasting commences, Agni's curry is highly praised whereas the judges are skeptical of Sebastian's curry doughnut. [523], Afterward, the Phantom Five gather at Ciel's office, where Ciel commends them for their performance. They rush inside, and Sebastian stops Ciel from witnessing the murder. [552], "Ciel" chides Ciel for confusing the servants by impersonating him. Suddenly, Sebastian hears someone coming, and they hide. At the mansion, Sebastian and Ciel find the servants occupied with some loose sheep. When they exit the room, Ciel tells Sebastian to make more tea so he can really wake up and discuss all the details with him. Freckles comments on his fancy upper-class English and offers him Funtom Corporation sweets. He arrogantly mentions that he will receive the Royal Warrant, and when West leaves, Ciel comments gleefully that he cannot wait to see his face when he loses. After comparing notes, Ciel decides that they will take action tonight. [161], As the curry competition gets underway, Aleister Chamber is revealed to be one of the judges; Ciel concludes that he probably bribed his way out of jail. Although Ciel dismisses the notion, Sebastian states that his response is strangeCiel is a boy who has met Grim Reapers and demons, yet he denies the existence of curses and werewolves. Ciel scoffs, comparing said rivalry to the trivial rivalry of women. Ciel comments that their performance was nothing like any opera or ballet he has ever seen. Kelvin cries that it is painful and begs to be killed like how the other cultists were killed. [517], The doorbell sounds, and Agni leaves to get the door. Ciel tells Chlaus to ignore the tablecloth and continue eating leisurely. [196], Ciel then asks Kelvin for the whereabouts of the rest of the kidnapped children. He did this for himself as he wishes for those who betrayed the Phantomhive family to experience the same level of humiliation and suffering he did. After Sieglinde affirms that she is still resolved to develop a magic remedy to help people, Ciel orders her to give the Queen the process to make mustard gas, to Sieglinde's and Wolfram's surprise. [108] They hear a scream from the prostitute's house, although they did not see anyone enter. However, since this is actually Ciel in disguise, he thanks Wolfram for coming and shoots him. Ciel initially sinks, but then Sebastian places him on a lifeboat, offers his overcoat, and asks that he bear it for a while, since he does not have any hot tea for him. The second revelation, however, shocks Ciel and Sebastian. Sieglinde curtsies to the Queen, and the latter welcomes her to England. [40][41], Ciel suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to his time as a slave in a cult. During a pause in the fight, Ciel states that the Indians are the ones to blame since they picked a fight with them first. When Ciel asks him to explain, Sebastian relates the news about the Queen's letter. He tells her that after today, people will try to use her. When Sebastian finally returns to Ciel's side, he has prepared the meal; however, they are interrupted by news about a werewolf attack. Ciel worries that Sebastian's true nature as a demon would be exposed, but Dagger luckily laughs it off. Ciel precariously enters only to notice an abnormal, sweet fragrance in the air. He presses his forehead against hers as red flower petals drift through the chapel at this time, much to the guests' surprise. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. However, Professor Michaelis catches him, stating their first priority is medical attention. Meanwhile, a troubled Finnian watches over Ciel as he sleeps. Ciel notes that she has tied the curtains together in order to make her escape out the window, and deduces that Sebastian knew about her escape; the latter affirms this, insinuating that Ciel would not have thought of anything effective to keep her there, had they detained her; Sphere Music Hall still controls her. "Ciel" tells Alexis that Ciel has been posing as him. Both Ciel and Sebastian remark on Queen Victoria's "fearsome" powers of observation, and the former explains to Edward that the Queen has requested him to investigate the music hall. Although the P4 protest that the headmaster had nothing to do with it, the headmaster suddenly speaks. He glumly accepts it, though, when Sebastian says that if Ciel is not there, he would get to live according to his own free will. Ciel tells Sebastian they must hurry, but his leg is injured. Heinrich, his butler, states it is an honor to meet Ciel; he reminds him of his father. When Herman mentions Gregory's disappearance, which occurred on the day the Sphere Music Hall scoop was published, Sebastian says that Gregory has Sirius blood, and that it is likely Blavat took him along to continue taking blood from him. Mey-Rin and Sebastian help Sieglinde with his treatment. [82], Before long, the kidnapper is revealed to be the Italian drug dealer, Azzurro Vanel of the Ferro family. Therefore, it's time to choosehe points a gun at her head, asking her if she wants to live or get it over with right now. Ciel replies that he is welcome to stay, but Soma responds that he learned everything they are teaching when he was a young child. After Sebastian leaves, Ciel turns his attention back to Rianhe instructs him to be brief because he is not patient and points his gun at Rian's head. [284] Undertaker retorts that Ciel cannot understand the doll's beauty because he is too young. Season 1, Episode 1 However, Grelle, being a Grim Reaper and a co-criminal, possesses the supernatural abilities that would allow access to the prostitute's room without Ciel and Sebastian knowing. Ciel tells his butler that they have received a call from Italy from Chlaus, who would arrive at six o'clock that day. The night before Sieglinde Sullivan's expected audience with Queen Victoria, Sieglinde and Wolfram Gelzer talk with Ciel and Sebastian Michaelis in the Phantomhive Manor. In the forest, the household is trying to find Ciel. Elizabeth steps out and affirms "Ciel"'s statement, adding that Ciel has been lying all along. Nevertheless, Ciel reassures him that everything will be all right. As a side note Ciel seems to enjoy drinking tea a lot he is adept at distinguishing between them as well and sweet . However, he blows too hard on the warm milk (at the speed of 50m/s). One of the masked adults then placed "Ciel" on a table as a sacrifice, and he was stabbed while the rest looked on gleefully. Ciel decides to ascertain if they possess any hearing; Snake states Emily is telling them to throw the plate. [141] As Sebastian examines Ciel's arm, Agni hastily apologizes; furthermore, Soma declares that he has technically won. Height On Ciel's order, Sebastian passes out a folder to each of the five, which details what role they must assume on stage. He learns that he had visited the actual locations of the deaths themselves and the only explanation local villagers could muster was that it was due to the "witch's curse". Birthday Some of the corpses then start crawling up the luggage. When Ciel returns to the dining hall, Clayton playfully grabs him, asserting that he does not usually do this, but Ciel did a magnificent job cleaning the dining hall. [176], Ciel and Sebastian then attend a circus show hosted by Noah's Ark Circus. The Queen's Guard Dog, Ciel Phantomhive, a young boy constantly tinged with melancholy of a soft, vanilla Earl Grey, the tart attitude of blueberries, the tempered grace of hazelnuts, and the fierce, tangy flavor of born and bred nobility. Elizabeth and Ciel get washed away. Later in the day, when Finnian is taking care of Ciel, a werewolf attacks them. [15] Around this time, his slave-traders also pierced his ears to attach a price tag. Because the majority of the guests suspect Ciel as the murderer, they decide he must be watched by one of them. Ciel asserts that Funtom Corporation is in the entertainment business; it encompasses confectionery, toys, restaurants, and cafes, and, so, operating a theatre is natural. Ciel thinks that Sebastian is really dependable at times like thisaloud, he tells Clayton he wants to thank Professor Michaelis right away. This disqualifies the duo; Sebastian and Ciel continue to seek hidden Easter eggs. Ciel tells an astounded Grelle that it is old-fashioned for a Grim Reaper to rely solely on the Death Scythe. With tears in her eyes, she states that she does not want Ciel to see her in such an "uncute" way. . He then flees to his room, where Ciel later enters to explain his situation and encourage Soma to be independent. Sebastian compares candles and their flame to humans, calling them beautiful. [95] After Sebastian amuses him successfully, Undertaker reveals that all victims had their wombs removed. [30] He is loath to stay in a poor, relatively austere environment for long periods of time, considering such beneath his dignity and unfitting for an earl. Thus, both Angelina and Grelle are acting together as Jack the Ripper. [220], They soon decide to search Sebastian's corpse for the key to Ciel's room. He announces that he will be fighting from here on out. Turning her back to Ciel, she faces the corpses, announcing that she is the daughter of the leader of the British knights and the wife of the Queen's Watchdog. Snake is certain that Ciel has caused the first-string members of the Noah's Ark Circus to disappear, and therefore he wants to kill Ciel. Moreover, he is always against injustice. By the time Sebastian returns, he is even worse off than Sebastian and falls unconscious. Sebastian then helps Ciel out of his robeshe apologizes for being rough, but he knew Ciel was being followed. [100] They enter the party in search for Aleister. Clayton then approaches Ciel and assigns him to clean the dining hall. [452] As Sieglinde screams in agony, Wolfram rushes at Sebastian; Sebastian easily knocks him aside. Upon Ciel's request, the demon killed the cultists and recovered the blue Phantomhive ring from "Ciel"'s . Furthermore, Edward purposely tells Ciel that Elizabeth will definitely be coming to support her only brother. After their meeting, they head to the stronghold of Indian people. [145] They decide to wait until nighttime to investigate Soma and Agni, who seem to leave every night. [79], In his bedroom, Ciel absentmindedly reaches for his blue ring and remembers that it is gone. Ciel provides a genuine smile and thanks everyone. While she argues, Francis gets the first point, already shooting a bird. When Sebastian tries again, Tanaka stops him. Ciel starts drowning in the memories of his traumatic past. [91] Ciel and Sebastian ride on a carriage to London and arrive at Ciel's London townhouse. It would seem that everyone has long been accustomed to this. [80], Later, Ciel is playing pool with the other Aristocrats of Evil. I TOLD YOU WHAT I WANTED *Stands on his chair and slaps Sebastian* Sebastian: *narrows eyes* Yessssss, Young Master Ciel: *adjusts his ring* hmph You are the new maid at the phantomhive manor. Best Answer. While Ciel is furiously waiting for Sebastian's return, people suddenly rush to buy Funtom's ladies' products. [352] When the game begins, Professor Michaelis asks the music students (who are acting as Team Blue's cheerleaders) to play the "Radetzky March. Ciel had never seen either one of his parents cooking until the day his father tried to make his mother feel better by preparing some of his favorite dishes. He states that a "snake" told him about it;[445] she asks then questions if he is a warlock, but he answers that he's just "one hell of a butler."[446]. [39] Despite his weak constitution, he is a competent shooter; he always carries a gun to defend himself, and he keeps one under his pillow when he sleeps. Ciel angrily orders him not to touch him with his "filthy hands." When she finds them outside her window, she's shocked. Gazing sorrowfully at Ciel, she states she wanted him to think of her as cute until the end. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house,[8] the notorious Queen's Watchdog,[9] the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. He kisses her on the cheek goodnight, saying he had a happy time playing with her, and he retires for the night. He asks Sebastian why he saved him, and Sebastian responds because his Master asked him to. Sebastian guesses this is because Ciel was too afraid. Moreover, the seal on his eye is also a type of curse. Noah's Ark CircusWeston College